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British Army Matt 2 Pdf: A Comprehensive Overview of the MATTs and the PES


Annual mandated training standards such as MATTs will provide a base-line minimum standard, but as the army prepares for a contingent future, MATTs will evolve and there are other skills which should be incorporated as standard. The nine MATT subject areas at Level 1 form the basis of the individual military training curriculum, to which can be added: command and information systems (CIS), cultural awareness and language, field-craft, and personal security.

British Army Matt 2 Pdf

Unlike other MATTs which are only recorded on the operational deployability record (ODR), MATT 2 (Fitness Tests) are also recorded on the Fitness Information Software System (FISS) for both Regular Army and Army Reserve, as per Army Fitness Policy (the army is/was looking at automatically populating the ODR from FISS).

A pass score in the Annual Combat Marksmanship Test (ACMT) should be regarded as the minimum standard for every soldier. The British Army states that every officer and soldier must be able to fire all relevant in-service weapons effectively, in realistic tactical settings by day or night. They go on to argue that this level of proficiency requires constant practice, a combination of simulation and live firing, and a managed progression, and that competitive shooting from sub-unit to army level promotes interest and can lift standards.

The leverage of these platforms is pretty astonishing. Celsius was levered about 19 to 1: It had almost $95 of debt (mostly customer deposits) and about $5 of equity for every $100 of assets. Voyager was levered 23 to 1. A fairly small loss could wipe it out entirely, and did. That some banks were levered 30 to 1 going into the 2008 financial crisis became a matter of intense scandal, and post-crisis reforms require much higher capital levels for banks. Also, banks mostly invest in mortgages and stuff! These guys were investing in crypto loans, hugely volatile stuff with nothing in the way of long-term, through-the-cycle history! And they were doing it with 5% capital ratios.iii.Non-contagion

Dr. Levitt has served as an expert witness in several criminal and civil cases, lectured on international terrorism on behalf of the Departments of State, Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security, consulted for various U.S. government agencies and private industry, and testified before the Senate and House on matters relating to international terrorism. He has held fellowships with the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security (CCHS) at the George Washington University, is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and serves as a member of the international advisory board for both the Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Israel and the International Centre for Political Violence & Terrorism Research in Singapore. He serves on the advisory board of Foundation for Defense of Democracies' Center on Sanctions and Illicit Finance (CSIF) and formerly served on the academic advisory board for the Emirati Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR). 2ff7e9595c

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